An unintentional hiatus.

As a creative, one goes through spells of lack of inspiration. I’ve been on a rather long one. So long, that it actually took me a lot of thinking to get back. Truth be told, I did not really stop finding things that would inspire me, it was the lack of expression that took over. Hence, no posts from over 3 years.

I wanted to get back to writing by explaining this hiatus. It’s weird and unsettling, the feeling of not being able to express. Imagination and ideas never really stop bubbling inside, it’s the confidence (or lack thereof) that takes a toll over creativity. I realise this every time I travel. Just how much I yearn to document the amazing things I see and experience

I think comfort and familiarity puts me into a state of creative block.

I need visual stimulation and it usually comes with exploration of new things, be it a new place, a restaurant or sometimes even a simple movie. Its not that I didn’t find stimulation during the last two years, it’s probably that the fact that I got too comfortable doing the things that are a part of routine.

So here’s to more moments of inspiration and a conscious expression. Here’s to being curious forever!

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